We at Generations can assist you in finding the records you've been searching for.
Based in Albany, New York, and we serve clients all over the country.


"Chris is a miracle worker. In a few short hours, his sleuthing revealed some very essential family information that I'd been at a loss to interpret for myself. His patience, diligence, and persistence in comparing lineages revealed the big mystery and I am very, very grateful."

"Chris is really good at helping people build their family tree! He helped me with my Great Grandparents in my mother’s side, which I was stuck on. Which in turn opened so many doors to learning who my other family members were! I was very happy with the results! :)"

"Chris helped me find family I didn't even know I had. He gave me a detailed report of where they were from, what they did for a living, and other important life events. He was very professional and friendly. I highly recommend him."